MCCSD... and other stuff
I think an update post is long due. So basically, finals came and went. Stress came and went. Highlight of it was the study sleepover session at Yen's place. :) I think to me that wasn't only productive for our revisions, but also on our friendship. The 5 days together helped us to get to know each other better and be greater friends to one another. Long story short, finals was great. It was surprisingly (okay, well, not so surprising considering the amount of tips that was given) easy save for Antoon's paper which no one could actually prepare for. All I can do now is to hope for the best as I've done my best. Everything is in the hands of the Father now. Moving on, I started off my semester break with a camp - MCCSD (Malaysian Catholic Campus Student's Day). I've known about this camp since the beginning of the year and have been wanting to go for it. Unfortunately, when the time came for registration, my finals timetable was not out yet so I thought, with a...