Log 11: It's Been 2 Weeks Since

(Joshua Harris, I Kissed Dating Goodbye ) I think this is a very powerful article in which Harris says that it's up to us (our choice) to feed the imagination and let our minds wander, create lustful thoughts even and misusing someone emotionally . It definitely doesn't help to continuously think about the person we're attracted to and constantly talk about this person because what we're doing is just building this image of this person and it almost seems like he/she is all there is, that he/she is perfect. I think this is really apt in my case. I personally experience most of what is said above in the article. Having been attracted to a co-worker on the first day of work is definitely something that is based on looks or rather, something very shallow because there is no other plausible cause in liking someone without talking to this person, let alone getting to know this person. And the more I thought about it, I realize that yes, I have made this person into this...