Log 13: Sinking Deeper
So it has been a little less than a year since I've had realization of my attractions. Looking back, it definitely wasn't an easy ride. I think right now, I'm past the point of stage one: denial and stage two: acceptance . I'm probably at stage three: discovering now and that kinda scares me a bit because all of a sudden, what seemed like a taboo now seemed so acceptable to me, things I thought I would never do a year ago now makes me wanting more of it. And no, I'm not talking about sex if anyone's wondering cause just being able to meet someone who likes me back would be nothing less than a miracle. See, I don't believe that I'll ever be with someone because I don't think I'll ever be granted that because it's just not the order of things. I don't see it as a punishment by God, I just don't think He would grant me that special someone when I know He's calling me to Him instead. Perhaps it's where I'm at right now but I...