
Showing posts from December, 2020

Sex, Gender, Identity

“Today’s sexual confusion is not caused because the world glorifies sexuality, but because the world fails to see its glory.” —Jason Evert Modern culture sometimes attacks gender as if it were the problem. In other words, “the real problem is the rigid social constructs that perpetuate the myth that men and women are different. If we eliminate sexual differences, the problem will be solved.“ But it is precisely our differences that make union possible. Without difference, there can be no complimentary.   In fact, our sex is not only decisive for our bodily individuality, but that it defines our identity. We are not separated from our bodies. Imagine if someone struck you, and you asked him, “Why did you hit me?” and he replied “I didn’t hit you. I hit your body.” We don’t just have a body. Our body is us. It expresses the person and reveals the soul. St. John Paul II says that “the Creator has assigned the body to men as a task, the body in its masculinity and femininity.” Man has ...

Saviour Complex, Perhaps?

Have you ever noticed anyone having a saviour complex?   “A  savior complex , or white knight syndrome, describes this need to “save” people by fixing their problems. If you have a  savior complex , you might: only feel good about yourself when helping someone, believe helping others is your purpose, or expend so much energy trying to fix others that you end up burning out.” (Raypole, 2020; Healthline) It occurred to me that I might have once felt that way, especially when looking back at some of the people I naturally navigated to back in university. They were not necessarily weak nor in situations that needed “saving” but there was just something in me that felt like I needed to be the person they relied on. If I could put a word to it, it was excessive protection. This dichotomy reflects what I really felt inside at that time, of wanting someone who can protect me and care for me, but on the outside, I acted as if I could be that person for others. Some of my past is r...