Edu Fair

Such a long day today. Helping out at education fairs are fun but without good friends being there with you, it will get lonely and boring. I am blessed for having known so many people, be it seniors or people my own age. :)

I find marketing fun. I mean I really get pumped up when sharing or taking about something I like or I know. Like when people was enquiring about business programmes, I was happily explaining it to them. I kinda feel like taking marketing for my elective, but at the same time, I don't know if I should. Reason being I can speak in front of a small group but not in front of big crowds or important people. Also, I have some slight interest in Public Relations as well. Hmm... :/

Anyway, gonna steer away from the topic.
I feel that through today's edu fair, I got to know Xueh Wei more. It feels like we've gotten a tad bit more closer. I'm glad she decided to share her problem(?) with me. Although my advice wasn't really that helpful - to me, that is - I hope it might help her to make the better decision. What she thinks and what I think about relationship may be different. Even so, I still stick to my principle that dating while studying is not that good.

Coming back to edu fair, I'm glad that that creepy pedo lecturer stayed away from me and decide to not harass me again. If he did, he wouldn't be able to teach anymore. I would make the case so big, everyone will know about it. I decided to give him a second chance last week and he should be glad that I did. Many people told me to report to the head. One of them even stated that he had actually broke one of the law that I can't remember anymore.

That being said, just remember to not be too friendly or appear bubbly in front of guys - especially old (white) ones.
*No offence to anyone white. Just that particular old pedo.


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