Reflections on Soul


The Premise

Wow! So much to say about this animation! I thought that the idea about exploring the idea of what is before life, what is beyond life, and most importantly, the meaning of life in the here and now really resonates with us no matter what age we're in.

It's a question we struggle with at one point of our lives: What is my purpose in life?

And just like Joe Gardner, we may think that it's the one thing in life that gives us meaning, the one thing that we're good at doing. But this movie explores that, with the other character, soul no. 22, who in turns, helps Joe to see a different perspective.

The Great Before

I found this concept cute (with all the blobs and personality generator). In a way, it is true to say that there is a before and after life on Earth. God, the Creator, loves and knows us before we were even formed in our mother's womb. It is because of His very love that breathes life in us. On Earth, we take on a physical body and enter into time. We are given the gift to experience all the mini (eg. beauty of nature) and mega (eg. explosive one-in-a-lifetime experiences) miracles.

Life on Earth

Throughout the movie, we see how Joe has been so fixated on himself and achieving that one thing. Having a single-minded goal isn't a bad thing but it was his huge expectation of that one thing that cause him to have a narrow view of life. Jazz brought him happiness but overtime, he placed the source of his happiness and his meaning in life all on it.

Upon achieving his goal of playing for a famous gig, he thought that his life would change, that it would be the start of something new, but reality sets in for him.

"So, uh... what happens next?"
"We come back tomorrow night and do it all again. What's wrong, teach?"
"It's just, I've been waiting on this day my entire life. I thought I'd feel different."

To Joe, day to day living is just "regular old living". He wanted something different, something new, but upon finding out that it's not everyday something different happens, his excitement was gone. 

This is something I recognize all too well in the lives of those around me. We have people that may seem motivated. They keep climbing the ladder and chasing after power and success. But what happens when they reach the top? They find that they have nothing to live for anymore, and that they still have yet to find the joy they were so desperately searching for.

How have we become so immune to the little joys of our everyday living? At what point did we stop seeing everyday as an opportunity, and started seeing it as a chore?

The revelation came to Joe when he reflected on how everything and everyone 22 encountered (even the scary guy in the subway) seemed to spark something in her. The answer he got was that meaning is found in everything. Meaning is found outside of self. As he looked back at his life, in every stage of his life, there was something to live for, something to experience, and something to be purposeful about. 

Friends, it's about time we stop chasing for that one big thing we call purpose. Even priests and nuns will tell you that their vocation is not the end. It's not as if everything finally made sense when they pursued their calling. It was a choice they decided to take, and a choice they choose to make everyday. We have the power to bring purpose into the things we do everyday. 

The Lost Souls

This is one component of the movie that ties it all together! The creators visualized it for us to see how being stuck at doing something that doesn't give life to ourselves really is draining the spark in us to live. When we fail to understand the root question of who we are and what our desires, we can get lost in the world and lose our identities  essentially becoming zombies of black holes. The real you is stuck in all of the expectations and lies of the world, just like how 22 got sucked into it because of all the lies of "not good enough" that was told to her again and again by every single person she met. 

Eventually, as strong as one is, the person will eventually succumb to these lies when there is no one to counter them with truths. She really believed it.

"I'm no good. I got no purpose."
"I'm not good enough."
"All you make are bad decisions."
"You are unwise and you won't make it in the world."
"You're so selfish. No one would ever want to be around you."
"You are the least remarkable soul I've ever met."

All it takes is one person to believe in 22 for her to gain the courage, to gain hope, at taking a shot at living. She's afraid. I believe we all are when we face uncertainties and the unknown. Yet, it's equally, if not more exciting than what fear tells us. 

Every time I am faced with something that seems bigger than what I can handle, I ask myself this: "What's the worse that can happen?" When we are able to address that, we actually name the unknown and hence, are able to overcome it. Take courage knowing that there are many walking with you in this, and many who are waiting to support you no matter if you fail or succeed. Your worth is not on what you do, it's on who you are, and who you are is already established. You are God's beloved; eternally loved. He awaits you when you reach the 'Great Beyond'.

And you? What's your purpose?

Here's something for reflection about as I quote Dorothea:
I heard this story about a fish. He swam up to an older fish and said, "I'm trying to find this thing they call the ocean"
"The ocean?", says the older fish. "That's what you're in right now." 
"This?", says the younger fish. "This is water. What I want is the ocean."


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