Reflections on Wonder Woman 1984


Yes, I know, there are already plenty of bad reviews out there that might stop you from even giving the movie a shot. Indeed, there are many things I could say about the storyline, about the lack of arc and character development, and really, just bad writing. 

BUT today, I'm not here to talk about that. I'm here to talk about something much deeper, something closer to heart that most movies try to insert in. What is the underlying message of the movie if you take away the action, the romance, and the drama?

[Spoiler alert ⚠]

In the beginning of the movie, we see a pouty Diana crying "No, no... but..." because she was unhappy that her chance of winning was taken away from her. Her aunt and mentor, Antiope, who is also a wise and skilled general, then gives her an important life lesson: "You cheated, Diana. That is the truth. That is the only truth, and truth is all there is."

The theme of truth and lies is what carries the whole movie, especially with the reference of Diana's lasso of truth and the (dream) stone of lies. When reflecting on life, we can try to cheat the world, cheat ourselves, take shortcuts, betray our conscience, be self-serving in order to gain power/money/etc., but in the end, we know that deep within us, what we yearn for is affirmation of the truth of who we are. 

We want to be acknowledged, loved, appreciated, accepted, treated kindly, experience happiness but at what ends are we willing to go after in order to achieve that? Like Barbara's story, what she gained doesn't compare to what she lost - her warmth, kindness, humanity. The more we choose the opposite of who we really are, the more we lose sight of our identity, our truth.

Just like what Antiope said to Diana, "There is no shame in that. Only in knowing the truth in your heart and not accepting it. No true hero is born from lies."

Secondly, a strong theme in the movie is also the concept of choices. Do we think that most times, we are just forced to do something? The fact is, we are the ones making the choices and carrying out the actions. People may influence us, but no one can cause us to do something. It's about time you and I start taking responsibility of our own actions, and seeing ourselves as having the power to do so.

Somewhere past the midpoint of the movie, Diana tells Steve, "I give everything I have every day, and I'm happy to. But this one thing... You're the only joy I have, or even asked for. Why, for once, can't I just have this one thing?" 

"I'm not sure we have a choice."
- "Well, I do have a choice."

Just because Diana is the superhero and an unspoken obligation or expectation falls on her to "save the world", she said it right. She does have a choice. We all do, in any situation. What differs is whether we make the choice that benefits all, or the choice that benefits just me.

"You can have it all. You just have to want it," is what Max Lord was appealing to the selfish desires in everyone. Essentially, this is what the world might be telling us to, to just prioritize our own happiness and our own lives without a care for others.

I think the most impactful sequence of the movie was at the end where Diana's monologue started. "This world is a beautiful place, just as it was. And you cannot have it all. You can only have the truth. The truth is enough. The truth is beautiful. So look at this world, and look at what your wish is costing it."

In the final arc of the story, Diana doesn't win the fight and save the day by brawls but by speaking truth into everyone's life. "You must be the hero. Only you can save the day." We can choose to take ownership of the gift of life by living every day courageously, or live miserably by constantly comparing with others, living with envy, jealousy, and hatred, or even using others for personal gain.

"You are not the only one who have suffered, who wants more, who wants them back, who doesn't want to be afraid anymore, or alone, or frightened, or powerless. Because you are not the only one who imagined the world where everything is different. Better, finally. A world where they were loved, seen, and appreciated." 

We may feel at times, that our lives are shit, that our sufferings cannot be compared with others, that we are the only one who is having such a bad time. But it only takes a step back from having an internal worldview to start seeing the greater truth of what's happening around us. We are not alone and we don't have to do things alone.

Diana's final question is a point of reflection for all of us:
"But what is it costing you? Do you see the truth?"


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