Post Sem Break Post
Wow! It has been forever since I last posted. Time sure do pass quickly. My sem break was not bad. Quite well spent, actually. I went to Japan for a short holiday, got to spend time with my high school friends, just laze around at home, watching movies and anime. :)

Dotonburi! The most famous night street in Osaka.

Vending machines used to buy tickets to exchange for food~

Ebisubashi-suji street.. Also famous for shopping!

Kendo! I've always wanted to try... Hmm, maybe next time.

Doesn't this jellyfish looks so alike a cucumber?

Buses and trains that we frequently took. Not to mention subways too!

Food there is just AH-MAY-ZING. <3
So anyway, let's talk about Japan. I went to Kyoto and a one day side trip to Osaka. It was cold there. My lips cracked and there was blood. -.- A piece of advice: Never forget to bring lip balm to a cold country. Enough talk, time for some pictures to do the talking. ;)
Dotonburi! The most famous night street in Osaka.
Vending machines used to buy tickets to exchange for food~
Ebisubashi-suji street.. Also famous for shopping!
Kendo! I've always wanted to try... Hmm, maybe next time.
Doesn't this jellyfish looks so alike a cucumber?
Buses and trains that we frequently took. Not to mention subways too!
Food there is just AH-MAY-ZING. <3
I guess that's all I'll post. Too lazy to upload more photos. :P As usual, lazy me...
Semester 2 has just started. It's going fine. The subjects are scaring me a little. :/ What with the low percentage of people getting HDs or Ds let alone passing it. Haizz.. Life. :| I'm still in a dilemma on what to do for my degree next year. Not even sure if what I chose to do for my electives are helping me make that right decision. Oh well, with the help of God I'm sure things will work out fine. :)
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