Inner Altercation

What's the use of giving my all when I know it isn't good enough?
What's the point of fighting so hard when the light at the end of the tunnel seems so dim?
I might as well just succumb to pressure and fall into a pit of darkness.
What is left when all hopes are crushed, when all dreams are squandered?
I am suppose to achieve the standard you've set for me but yet I fail to do so.

You could say I've tried my best. Yes.
But does that make me feel any better? No.
Because my best isn't good enough for the world. My best means nothing if it isn't your standard of “best".

Scoff. I would like to laugh right now if I could. But all that's coming out is tears, as if my heart is bleeding. I can't stop them from flowing because I'm internally devastated.

How can I feel good when I've let you down?
How can you console me when I myself cannot accept the mistakes I've done?

Oh, how I wish I could go back in time. Come to think of it, I couldn't have done much too. Mistakes are meant to be learned. Giving up won't solve anything.

You are right. I have to be tough. I have to fight this darkness inside of me. I need to find the light that have saved me time and time again. The end has yet to come. There is still hope. Even a sliver of it is enough for me. Together, you and I can do this. We must, for there is a brighter future in front of us. Once through the tunnel, there will be a vast open field full of opportunities to grab a hold of. Only by gritting our teeth and enduring this can we reach it.

Sometimes, life is like that. We have to fall to get stronger. Only by failing will we know the true meaning of success.

I have trust in you, in me, in us.
Push this aside and continue standing tall, standing strong, so that no matter what obstacle that comes in our way, we would be able to tear it apart.

God knows this as well. He is there for us. He has plans for us. He will guide us.

So fade away for now, my other self. For we shall become one. You are no longer separate from me, and I from you.

I am now myself.


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