A Catching-Up-Kinda-Post

So.. What have I been doing in the last few months between completing my foundation in December and continuing my degree in March?

I actually went to search for part-time jobs. I initially worked at Ah Cheng Laksa for just a day before working at Sri Tanjong. After that, I got sent to Taman Sea's bookshop for a month plus too! It was both great and weird at the same time to see my friends and juniors there. Either way, working at a bookshop (a school one, at that) was an experience that was rather bland and boring.

I shall now fast forward to the days after Chinese New Year where I officially stopped working. During that time, it was (and still is, at the point of writing this) the Lent season. I figured why not I just go and help out at the soup kitchen which is handled by the AOHD (Archdiocese of Human Development). My friend, Su, was the one who told me about it and teman-ed me there for the first trip/day. Since then, I've been going there on Tuesdays and Thursdays almost every week.

This brings me to my next point. Because of STWG, I met Fiona, who is a fulltime volunteer at ASAYO (Archdiocese of Single Adults and Youth Office). And because I wanted to help out and at the same time, find out more about ASAYO, I started going there with the invitation from Fi herself.

So to cut the story short, if I didn't attend the camp, I wouldn't have met Fi. If I hadn't started lepak-ing at the office, I wouldn't have gotten to know Fi (and Kenny, Mernah, aunty Christina, Sr. Mic, etc.) better. If I hadn't been going there for more than 3 weeks, I wouldn't have met Amanda. If I didn't agree to help out in the multiple ASAYO organized events, I wouldn't have gotten to know Amanda as much as I have today. If I didn't have God with me in my life, I wouldn't have met so many wonderful friends that have really helped me to be a better Catholic. These are some of the few friends I have of the same faith that really mean a lot to me and whom I would never want to lose. These two girls (or women - whichever y'all prefer), especially, encourages me to deepen my faith and whenever I'm with them, time seems to pass by quickly. There is never a bland or awkward moment with them. ♥

God has truly bless me with friends whom I admire that have brought me closer to Him and for that, I can never thank Him enough. Know that each and every one of my friends out there are a gift to me and I can only hold you long enough until you choose to let me go. I cannot force you to stay in my life but I can only treasure you until that time comes.


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