Big Big Gaye
So midterms is finally over after getting pushed back so many times. 
Hasta La Vista, amigos! ♥
We had such a great time together as a group. Nothing can ever replace our memories together. I realized that God not only blessed me with the person I wanted to work with the most at that time, but also provided me a group of friends that I can now call family.
I wouldn't want it any other way. It's true we have amazing chemistry but like any other team, we started off not knowing everyone well enough. Through the time spent together, we created a bond that no one could break.When it was time to say goodbye, it was so hard. To have to split up, not knowing who we will end up with for final showcase, it's definitely harder for us. More so when miss Nat gave us her feedback, saying how good it would be if we could form this chemistry with our new group when five of us split.
I would choose the four of you again given the choice.
Till we meet again.
Hasta La Vista, amigos! ♥
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