Languages of Love

I think it's time to move on from PA. It's been a great 14 weeks that helped me to experience and grow so much more than I ever had anywhere else.

Also, aside from so many emotional blog posts lately, I think it's time to talk about something more positive.

So back when I was in HELP University, I had a subject called Personal Development and Leadership in semester one of foundation in arts. It's amazing how that really helped me to find and understand myself better.

There was something I learnt back then that I think everyone should know about too. The 5 languages of love: physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, and gifts. I think it's important to know about yours as well as those of your close ones.

So to all my friends, do me a favour and complete this for me:

In case anyone who is reading this is interested in mine, my primary would be quality time. I have bilingual secondary languages: physical touch and words of affirmation.

So if you realise, I usually show love and care through words a lot. In terms of receiving, I would like touch (i.e. hugs, holding hands, just being near people and not virtually) but not a lot of people are comfortable with that so yeah. Time is something that is major because it's something you learn to earn and gain. It shows how much someone treasures you if they are willing to spend it on you.

And so, that is all. Cheers, guys!


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