Review Of 2015

Heyyyy! It's been awhile since I updated anything.

Last year have been an amazing year, through which I have grown from the many experiences. I feel like confidence is no longer a major issue. Back then, I used to answer interviewers that confidence would be my downfall. Well I think the most change I've gotten out of the year is from Performing Arts. It really gave me a platform to express myself and mess around. It was one of the few memorable memories I have. Of course, Innovative Media was also enjoyable. I remember going for more classes than was needed because Miss Suz was just a bundle of joy herself. Of course, what we did in that class was also fun but in a different kind of way. Sem 2 was the epiphany of 2015. In a way it was stress-free because there was joy in what we did. I think I understand when people say passion will never be a burden.

The people that I've surrounded myself with have turn to mean a lot to me. I never would've thought that I'll be able to find friends like these here. I think through the years, many people can attest that true friends are harder and harder to find. Even with past friendships, it's not easy to maintain them.

I learn to speak my mind and heart more nowadays. I feel that we should be open and expressive to the people we feel comfortable with. In a way, it's like sharing a part of you with them. It's special. It brings the friendship to a whole new level.

Fast forward to 2016, the year started off with sem 2.5, a useless semester that was filled with dreaded MPUs. But before that, let's talk about New Year's Eve. Now that is something I won't forget. First time I got tipsy and high from alcohol. Made me realize how weirdly I act and how I can't seem to constrain my emotions when I'm in that state. Definitely hardened my resolve to never get fully drunk.

So exams is over and all that's left to do now is to wait for the one month break to pass since I have nothing to do anyway. Thank God I'll be going for a holiday soon.

Shifting to another aspect of my life is religion. Boy have I gone so far off God's radar. People say it's normal to take 3 steps front, 2 steps back, and 1 step front again. In the first half of 2015, I felt like I was finally growing and getting somewhere. Then bam. I got so caught up with friends, practices, classes, activities, that I guess I forget to make time, room and space for God amidst all that action. But it wasn't like I never thank God for all the blessings I've gotten and how much I've learnt through PA especially.

I came into 2016 feeling very spiritually dry. I felt like I didn't want to get involved too much with camps and formations. Then came Amanda's offer to join the CDM Youth Working Team. I was honestly very reluctant at first and still was even after joining for a few weeks. Then through time spent together, this team, this family, have managed to break my walls. Maybe not all of them but definitely the first layer. I take it as God's way of telling me that He always knows what's best for me. I have always find it a burden and responsibility in having to serve Him. My heart wasn't in it. I was always asking God for people that I'll be comfortable with to journey with me. I doubted that the team would give me that same feel. Again, God proved me wrong. Now, they are very much friends that I'm comfortable with. Amanda, if you're reading this, just know that through the many times you've spoken to me and asked me to stay, I've always went back home, reflected, and took a double take on my decision then. I realize now that it might've been God speaking through you to tell me to trust Him and follow through as He will give me the strength and guidance I need.

As we officially start year 2, I will prepare myself to say goodbye to past friends for now and anticipate new ones. I've said my proper thank yous and goodbyes on the last day of class to many of my friends. Though we may no longer be in the same classes, the fact that our friendship exists will still remain strong. Let's do our best for the next 2 years!


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