Social Media-ites

For all those who wished me on social media throughout today, thank you. Your kind thoughts were well received. :) This year I decided that no, no more putting my birth date on Facebook for everyone to see, no more seeking for attention as if the number of posts I get for my birthday would determine how much people care about me. No. It's time to grow and to leave these little things I hold on to, step-by-step.

I definitely appreciate all the posts I get this time around cause it's so little and I don't have to go through so many repetitive ones. Some things are worth posting for memories:
1) 12am (and first) wish!

**Plus a hangout today! Thank you for the celebration babe.

2) Didn't need Facebook to tell you when my birthday was. So proud of you. :')

3) Finally a legit post on Insta with this pretty girl (after so darn long).

4) A cute and funny (because of what you said, Sam) video from the gang at McD.

5) A heartfelt note and gift which related so much with today's session on Mirrors
Ps: This counts as a social media post because whatsapp first. ;)

6) Extra mention: a heartwarming wish from my favourite lecturer.
"Let your talent shine out, is all you have to do."

Perhaps few years down the road, one day I'll look back at this post and see what was significant about my 20th birthday. Till then, this serves as a thank you post for y'all, both mentioned and not mentioned.


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