Glass Half Full

Nowadays I tend to write lesser and lesser. Maybe it's because I don't see the need to or maybe it's because I'm just too lazy. Either way, for the past few months especially in the second half of semester 3, I felt this great disconnect between my friends and I. I no longer felt the need or want to hang out with them perhaps due to the fact that my interest has flown to another place, church. I spent most of my time there at that time, occupying myself with daily mass, meetings, practices, and spending time with this one person that I've grown too attached to.

Looking back now, I still have that bit of disconnect but it's progressing steadily. Knowing how much they appreciate me and will be there for me through the letters they wrote in July kinda reassured me and helped me realize that I'm just being selfish if I don't acknowledge them. I also received a journal-sorta-book from them and have been writing in it but have now consistently forgetting to write in it. 

I've always been reminded to be positive, to see the good in things and not jump into the negative side first. The things I say especially are often regurgitated straight from my brain without first churning them words and filtering it. The verse and reminder below is pretty apt.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. 
-Philippians 4:8

When you think positive thoughts, you see the glass as half full. It may sound simple, but that attitude can make all the difference in your approach to people, situations and environments. The most difficult part is keeping it top of mind. Try remembering this verse and reciting it to yourself throughout the day. Set alarms on your phone if it helps to remind you that it's time to think positive again.

It's only been the second day since Amanda has flown to Philippines but there are times when little things remind me of her such as passing by black Persona cars, or reading through some quotes. I guess missing her is one thing but being too attached, too reliant is another. I'm glad that I'm actually learning to let go. The ministry must learn to be a fully abled body even without Amanda. Also, Timmy would be coming back soon so I'm looking forward to how we'll grow and progress.

That's all for an update. To more ups and downs that I can grow from, and to a more positive me.


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