My Web Series Is Up!

Have you ever had questions about the Catholic faith whether or not you're one yourself? With the help of the web and with so many theologians, religious, and even lay people like you and I constantly putting their thoughts out there, it's not hard to find the answers you're looking for at all!

Some good content I greatly recommend would be Ascension Presents with their YouTube channel which is catered to young people, as well as The Matt Fradd Show. If you're into podcasts, here's a few you should check out too and see if you like 'em: Pints With Aquinas, Ask Father Josh, The Fr. Mike Schmitz Catholic Podcast (which has the same contents as the videos on Ascension's channel).


What I'm here to talk about though, is how I started my own web series on YouTube and why I decided to do it.

Episode 1 of Voices of Young Catholics Web Series

1. What sparked the interest?

I've always enjoyed good media content and have always been wanting to create something of my own. However, what really inspired me to kick start this project was when I was at a point of my life where I felt trapped being in the creative field. I no longer felt like I was able to express myself eventhough I was working as a designer then.

This idea came to me really randomly, I must say, but I also saw it as an opportunity to allow youths of Malaysia to speak about their faith. Too often, we've only been able to hear the stories of religious or famous speakers. This allows us to connect more greatly to the realities of young faithfuls in Malaysia through these youths who are also striving in their faith life.

2. What do I hope for with this web series?

I hope to be able to reach out to the young Catholics, especially those that are at doubt with their faith, or have already left the Church to listen to how others like them also perhaps had/is having similar struggles like themselves and how to navigate them.

3. What are some of the topics that the series covers?

The first episode explores what's it like being handed down a religious that we never chose. Is it my religion or is it just my parents'? It pretty interesting how everyone has different answers but very relatable. For example, one of the youth describes his relationship with God as a gradual step through small encounters that through faith, believes that God is present. It wasn't a sudden connection that magical formed, nor was it one major incident that caused him to believe.

I think one of my takeaway from filming that episode is from that sharing. It's to show that it does require faith to believe that God is real, and it requires time to develop that relationship with Him. It doesn't just happen overnight. Even great friendships doesn't magically form in one day.

The second episode speaks about friendship. It's a casual topic that even non-religious people can relate to it. It's one of our generation's problem: to finding and keeping good friendships.

While there's only currently two episodes, I do hope to continue it sometime in the near future when I find the time to do so (and volunteers to come and share their stories). Some topics I have in mind are really interesting such as life and death, freedom, truth, and many more. I do believe that topics like these will spark personal reflection as well as conversations especially in the day and age we're living in (lots of relativism and hedonism).


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