Let's talk about college! Ain't nothing much to talk about tbh. I guess you could say that since I've just started foundation, it's much easier than secondary school. I mean, eventhough there's exams, quizzes, assignments, and tasks to do, I'm kinda fine with it as long as it isn't too overwhelming. Exams are much better now compared to schooling days where we have to cram 3 years of syllabus into our brains for PMR and likewise, 2 years worth of syllabus for SPM. Now it's just finals at the end of each sem. Even better, there are mids which means the syllabus gets separated into half.

On a more serious note though, tests are starting in a few days time. I haven't really studied yet. :d How lazy of me. But I guess that's just how I am. Gonna take a while before I can change my old ways.

Anyway, I promise I'll give my 2 cents on Malaysia's political scene the next time I post if at all anybody is reading my blog. Fingers crossed I won't get caught for blabbering about it. xD


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