Insight On STWG: What I Learnt ♥
After going for the STWG (Straight Talk With Girls) camp organized by ASAYO, it really dawned on me that I often do not rely on God. Instead, I take matters into my own hands if I am capable of doing so. He is always there, waiting for me to reach out for Him and yet I often do not. Only in times of hardships and confusion do I seek Him. It is through this camp that I promise to myself and God that I will change anew. I will be a better person, both spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Talking about the camp, it was really unlike any other I've been to. It had much more interesting, real, and relatable sessions. Hearing all the testimonies from the facilitators really got me thinking how great and awesomely loving He is. Through all the brokenness of those that shared, He has done tremendous things in their lives. Like one of them said, it only takes one YES to God for your whole life to change 360°. It really is amazing how God takes those who are broken and made them into powerful instruments to reach out to all of us. Like Jesus said, “I am here not to call the righteousness, but the sinners."
We are all put here on Earth for a purpose, a reason. We may not know what that reason is but that is why God is there for us, guiding us. Not only that, we also have our guardian angel and the Holy Spirit to make sure we do the right things, make the right decision, and protect us from harm and all evil. I know that sometimes, it is hard to believe that He is even present in our lives but only trust and He will be. It is by His own time that He will answer us, not our worldly time.
We are wonderfully, beautifully made in His likeness and image. We know that but still we often feel insecure of ourselves, be it our facial features, or body shape. You may not think you look beautiful but He does. He made you just the way you are because He knows you. He knows you even before you were in your mother's stomach. He knows every strand of hair on you. He knows you more than you know yourself. This is because He is your heavenly Father. He loves you just the way you are. He loves you the same even when you sin, even when you hurt Him. He loves you, because you are His child. He cares for you. Throughout our lives, we might struggle to find our identity but the only identity that is important is that we are all children of God. We have to learn to love ourselves because there is only one of us in this whole world. No one can ever substitute us. We are special and precious. You could also say that we are somewhat extinct.
I have learnt new things through this camp and I am glad I went for it. I know that it is by God's calling that I was there. For we were all there not by chance, not by fate, but we were there because God had called us to be there. Same as the reason why we were put here on Earth. We weren't send to do evil things. We were all here because God has put us here, not to endure sufferings and pain, but to do His works on Earth. Let Your will be done, as it is on heaven, Father.
I learnt that all the evil of the Earth is not by God but the Devil. For all the sufferings we had, know that it wasn't because of God. Most often we tend to blame God because it is the easiest thing to do. But know this: our God is a God of love. He is love itself. He embodies love. The Devil will always try to pull us away from God. That is why so many bad things happen to us. We have to keep growing spiritually so that we may be firmly rooted and grounded in our faith. The Devil may try to tempt us and influence us so that we may leave God but like a coconut tree, if our roots are deep, as strong the wind is, the tree will always stay rooted.
I also know that it includes myself. Each person's journey to discovering God is different. There are many formations and ministries out there that can help us. My first step would be to join the church choir. I have always been wanting to do that. So if anyone who is reading this knows people from CDM's choir, let me know. I would love to start going for practices and serve God.
I would like to end with this quote that my Godfather sent this morning:
“Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing." It really is relatable and in conjunction with the STWG camp. It is true because whether we recognize it or not, we are not the only ones walking around with hurts, scars and open wounds. Those facilitators were able to overcome their hurts by the grace of God to share their powerful stories with us. With their testimonies, they were able to heal and empower the others. Thank you, Lord, for everything. I love you.
Fiona, my mirror partner, my inspiration.

Irene, another great, inspiring and friendly facilitator.

Of course, not to forget, Su, my long lost friend from YR'12. God brought us together again for a reason. I'll always keep in touch with you, and go camps together with you. Don't worry. ;)

New found sisterhood. ♥
“Some people make cutting remarks, but the words of the wise bring healing." It really is relatable and in conjunction with the STWG camp. It is true because whether we recognize it or not, we are not the only ones walking around with hurts, scars and open wounds. Those facilitators were able to overcome their hurts by the grace of God to share their powerful stories with us. With their testimonies, they were able to heal and empower the others. Thank you, Lord, for everything. I love you.
Fiona, my mirror partner, my inspiration.
Irene, another great, inspiring and friendly facilitator.
Of course, not to forget, Su, my long lost friend from YR'12. God brought us together again for a reason. I'll always keep in touch with you, and go camps together with you. Don't worry. ;)
New found sisterhood. ♥
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