Driving Exam!!

It's somewhat a daunting task to take on knowing full well that I may fail even just because of a few millimeters. As I write to you at this moment, I'm still lazing around calming my nerves. I'll soon leave for the driving center soon. My hopes for this is to really do my best and not allow myself to make a single mistake. I really just want to pass it in one go because even the thought of retaking the exam seems bland to me. I mean having to go through all that jitters, that preparation a few months later (I heard news that we would have to wait for quite sometime to retake our road test) again? Sorry bro, but I ain't gonna let it get to that point.

I'll let you know the results at the end of today. As for now, I guess what you could do for me is to pray. God is a major factor in succeeding in everything I do. It is He who takes away my fears in replace of confidence, nervousness for calmness.. He is my pillar of strength, my anchor, my light. In times when I may fall, it is He who pulls me back up. It is only with Him in my life that I would succeed in places where I would fail alone.


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