Outcome! :o *dundundun*
So whaddup again, guys! Guess what?! :D Through the glory of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I managed to pass both the circuit and on the road test! WHOOOO! I'm feeling so ecstatic now. I'm just so glad it's done and over with. :P

My circuit (Bhg 2) exam went quite well. However, I must note that the car was really old and the gear and clutch didn't really work properly. I was so terrified I might ter-press the wrong thing or go too fast or mati engine. The passing mark for it is 56/70.

My road test (Bhg 3) was a close call. As the passing mark is 64/80, I only managed to get 65. I lost a lot of marks mainly because of the RSM (Rutin Sebelum Memandu). I shall elaborate on that below.

This is a list of the things you need to do for RPK (external car check) and RSM (internal car check). I actually memorized all of it but somehow, every time I get into the car, my mind goes blank. I mean it's different in exams because you get to take your time to answer the questions but this, I actually feel pressured to explain the whole checklist to the officer as soon as possible. 
*I wish all of you who are going to take your exam soon the best of luck! Just try not to be too nervous and jittery. Pray and hope that your examiner isn't a super strict one and that the car you get wouldn't have shitty problems. Cheers~
But all in all, I managed to pass and obtain my P license so it's good. :) My sister on the other hand, wasn't that lucky. She failed the parking test because the officer said that her car's bumper touched the yellow line? Yeah. :/
So that's all for my post driving exam blog post for today. If you want to see the JPJ checklist for the RPK and RSM part, I'll post the picture below. Just note that I have no idea who the candidate was. I took a picture of it through someone else who also got the list from her instructor.
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