Anne Hathaway & Homosexuality

So, recently, I've been told by my sister about how Anne Hathaway (and her family) left the Catholic Church to join the Episcopalian Church because of her brother that came out of the closet. Previously, she had even thought of becoming a nun but decided not to because she couldn't devote her life to a religion that does not permit homosexual acts ( Below is an excerpt from an interview about her views on this:

Resource: Interview by Terry Gross

I would say that she got her facts wrong. I mean if she truly understood the Church's teaching on homosexuality, it wouldn't really affect her faith even if her brother has same-sex attraction. You see, we do not hate on homosexuals. In fact, we are called to love them just as equal as everyone else. We are all a child of God. That is the most important identity we have.

Yes, the Catholic Church says that homosexuality is not normal. It's not in God's plan for in Genesis 2:24, it says that man and woman shall unite to become one. In fact, no one can be totally sure how a person ends up attracted to the same sex because studies shows that in the DNA of twins, there are no difference. Meaning to say, there is no such thing as a gay gene. Homosexual attraction is not a sin because attraction to others in general is normal and what was put into us, but if we choose to act upon those desires, homosexual behavior then becomes a sin because it isn't what God made us to be.

I would like to highlight Anne's quote:
"But when I realised my older brother was gay, I couldn't support a religion that didn't support my brother."
What exactly does she mean by supporting her brother though? If you say that he should be free to love, have sex, and marry another man, let me ask you a question: Does that bring him closer to God, or further away from Him? Why would you want to indulge yourself in your own personal and worldly desire if our ultimate purpose is to unite with Christ in heaven? If we choose to only subject to our desires, what of our Father's desires and purpose for us?

Often, people think that the only way around this is to repress this desire because the Church says it is wrong, or to leave the Church and ignore her teachings because they feel they need to do so in order to truly embody this SSA they have. Very little people know that the Church actually teaches us a third way. They do not need to deny themselves or deny the Church. Those suffering from SSA can choose to give up this SSA they are feeling to God and ask Him to help them with their daily struggles. They are called to chastity and to glorify God by giving everything up to him. Choose to marry Christ instead. Trust in the workings of the Holy Spirit to help you in your struggle to overcome this world desire, as explained in Galatians 5:16-25.

Please do watch this 38-minutes video on the third way. :)

Also, to add on, Pope Francis said this during the most recent World Youth Day in Brazil:
"If a person is gay and seeks the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge that person?  The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains this point beautifully but says, wait a moment, how does it say, it says, these persons must never be marginalized and “they must be integrated into society.”
Catholicism is such a beautiful religion. If only Anne Hathaway,her family, and so many others could see that. Ultimately, it is one's choice to deepen one's faith and understanding. No one can force anyone. Not even the Church. We are given freedom to do what we want. The Church is there to guide us and to tell us what to do, but never to force us.

Do note that I only chose to speak about Anne's story because it is well known. I am in no way bashing her or condemning her decision. Who am I to say that what she has done is right or wrong? That is ultimately God's decision. I am only explaining and sharing what I have learnt in regards to homosexuality and the Catholic Church.

Also, if anyone has further interest in how someone with same-sex attraction is a devout Catholic, do read this:

Have a good day, everyone. God bless.


  1. You mentioned Hathaway got her facts wrong: Facts based on what?

    Is being God's child the most important identity we have? Why?

    How is homosexuality 'abnormal' ?

    God made us to be, but does not limit us to be.

    'Supporting' probably means 'accepting'.

    Why give up SSA if they need not deny themselves?

    If it were god's decision to determine what is 'right' or 'wrong', what then is the point of this post? Surely your entire post is questioning Hathaway's decision eg. 'Does that bring him closer to God or further?' You also gave evidence to support 'your' view eg. 'there is no gay gene'. All these implied that you think what Hathaway did was 'wrong'.

    1. Facts based on the Catholic teaching. If she truly seek to find understanding from the Church, she might not have felt the rejection she did.

      To us Christians, our ultimate purpose is to be in a heavenly union with Christ. So even before we identify ourselves as a homo/heterosexual, daughter, wife, etc. it is important to first know we are a child of God. After all, that identity will never change. We will always be God's most treasured children.

      When I say homosexual is not normal, it is because in the Bible, God created man and women. So His plan is for them to be united as one. People of the same sex can't. Biologically, it is proven that same sex cannot unite together in sex. Our sexual organs are made for this purpose. Homosexuality goes against the natural law. Why do you think then, that God decided to make two genders instead of one?

      Your question as to why the Church asks those with SSA to give it up if they need not deny themselves: Yes, they do not need to deny themselves. They don't have to hide the fact that they are attracted to the same sex. But they are however called to lift up this feeling of attraction to God to help them in their journey of chastity and celibacy. Because any act of homosexuality is wrong in the eyes of the Church, they would just have to ask God to help them to live a true and free life without this struggle pulling them away from Him if they would like to stay true to God. They will most probably always have this attraction to the same sex but at least by bringing God into their struggles, and form of desire to act upon it will be vanished with the help from God. His power is mightier than any other. Believe me when I say it is possible as so many have given testament to the glory of God for helping them refocus their lives towards God and stop living in the grasp of their own sexual desires.

    2. Okay. When I chose to post this, what I felt for Hathaway was a feeling of sadness and lost because as a daughter of Christ, she need not push away her faith for something that the Church does not condemn. The Church can be said as a place for solace and peace. As one body of Christ, we are called to reach out to all our brothers and sisters.
      When I said that I have no judgment over all of their decisions, it is true. I'm merely explaining what the Church exactly teaches us. For all I know, her decision might be different if she had the prior understanding of this matter. I used her case as an opportunity to reach out to people and to explain how we actually view homosexuality. It is not exactly as how the world picture us as - that the Catholic Church hates homosexuals and bashes on them. No. We are always open to accept anyone for we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves by this wonderful God of love of ours.
      Hathaway herself chose this path. It is her decision. I cannot say that what she chose is wrong because that would seem bias but what I would say is that she gave up the chance of being in communion with God and the universal Church.
      As a Catholic man who has SSA once shared, why would he ever give up God, the Eucharist, and all the beauty this faith offers him for his own personal worldly desires? True joy ultimately comes from God and God alone because His love is steadfast and everlasting. What happens if you choose to love and marry your partner but ends up being hurt? Or even if the marriage does last, does it bring you true joy right until the last day of your life? And then what happens? What about the afterlife? What happens to God? Where does He fit in your life?
      Even heterosexual couples are called to chastity. Chastity here does not mean abstinence where they have to abstain from sex but chastity means to always put God first, and to always have pure and true intentions in all they do - never to lust after their spouse. Their relationship can only work if they love God more than they love their spouse because marriage is not a union of two people, but three. Only with God at the center of the relationship can it work because they learn to love and respect one another as Christ did.

      So, basically what I'm trying to say is that only with God can we obtain true happiness for the rest of our lives. I hope I answered all of your questions. Have a good day. :)

  2. On Homosexuality is abnormal.
    So it is abnormal because God created only men and women and because of biological incompatibilities? Surely it doesn't exclude the possibility that God's plan involve uniting the same sex spiritually? Are you saying that everything God says is based on science then? Then what of God itself? Our sexual organs are indeed made for the purpose of reproduction: do all Christian men and women have sex just to reproduce? I believe it is also for pleasure.

    On denying themselves.
    Not denying themselves in the eyes of society, but still denying their nature. How is that not denying themselves?
    Why is sexual desire a sin? Because the Bible says so? Do you think it is a sin? Then why did 'God' create the clitoris, which is biologically proven and designed for one purpose only, which is to give women pleasure?

    On Hathaway's decision
    The church does not condemn, but the church does not accept either.

    On Freewill
    What is the point of 'freewill', if our choice is not in accordance with the Bible/Church/God?

    On ultimate purpose
    Keep in mind not all Catholics are as religious as you are, based on your posts. Yes, you are explaining, but at the same time, think every Catholic 'should' accept God's words and teachings, which is reflected in your writing.


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