The could have's and could be's.

So apparently, I always seem to end up wanting to be closer friends with people who may not be my close friends or even in the same clique. Back in high school, I've always looked up to Carmen and even until now, I think she's a great person who has great personality. As much as I do, I just can't seem to connect and have things to talk about when I see her. Sigh.

Then comes college. I have this really amazing friend, Xueh Wei, who is involved with so many things at once I don't even know how she handles it. Again, although not as bad, I feel like our friendship could have been better and stronger. But, in the one year span, I've really got to know her better and become a better friend to her (I hope). So this doesn't really count, actually.

Moving on, in BRATs camp, I met this really smart and awesome friend, Sara, who gave me a really great first impression because of TWCS (smart girl~). Throughout the full 4 days there in Ipoh, we really bonded, and being roommates, we stayed up talking and laughing about things. Really great memories, I would say. After that, we tried to keep in touch and all but our friendship, I would say, was a bit awkward. I remember when we went out to watch a movie together at KLCC. Oh boy, was it awkward because there wasn't any conversion going. Silence can kill. Hahaha.  But even now when we're in the same university, we just smile and say hi to each other when we meet.

Currently in Taylor's, I would say I haven't actually met someone who I can really connect and share things with, especially my values and beliefs, but I have met some great peeps. As usual, first few weeks went by with me being alone but all is well. I believe that when you stay true to yourself and not change your attitudes just to blend in and mix with others, you'll eventually attract people who has the same mindset and characteristics as you. And so I did. I'm glad for the current friends I have and the many trips we've been together - be it to Melaka or average lunch and dinner trips.

I would like to also say that I was able to gain another good friend, Chi Yan, in the short span of time we got to know each other through TITAS. It was really easy to talk to her and I wished she had stay but if it's not her calling, then she should embrace what she wants to do instead. All the best in law, future lawyer!

Last but not least, my great, awesome, amazing, sweet, loving, (and everything else nice that can describe her) study buddy. From the first day I attended lecture, I noticed Yen. I guess you could say the main reason was because she was sitting in the first few rows. Also, she seemed so friendly and charismatic. But no, I didn't talk to her. Heck, I barely talked to anyone. I was in my alone/shy mode.

Then slowly, through the many weeks of classes, I got to know her better. I can truly say now that she has been a blessing in my life. She's easy to talk to, and we have so many things in common - from political beliefs, to study methods, to just common things like views in life. To add on to that, she has been a great help in my studies. We both support each other in that sense and it's really great to have someone who's that diligent, hardworking and smart to revise with someone like myself. I really appreciate it. Thanks, bae.

As of now, I would really like to meet someone from my course, even better, from my major who has the same religion as me cause I like to jio/ajak/invite them for camps and talks and all that. It's fun to have someone like that. :) So I really appreciate all my Catholic friends out there and well, knowing how much I always invite all you guys for camp, it would be nice if you guys actually went for it. Hahahaa. Well, there are a few exception such as Klar and Su but I think that's about it. By the way, it's a bit unrelated but I feel that people should really be proud of their religion and not hide or shy away (especially those who are in college and university).

I know that everyone that I've written about are my girl friends but that's the truth because honestly, I don't really have much guy friends. I find it easier to relate and share with girls. (Side note: You're the exception, Ash. You're always around girls so I suppose we opposites. Heh.)

Ps: If any of you feel like tagging those names that are (or aren't) in here, feel free. I don't know if I have the guts to do it myself. Also, self-reflection here: I think through my blog, it really shows that I'm a red (emotion-based) person.


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