Doubts and Insecurities

I felt that this message spoke to me. I have drifted away a few times now. Recently, I did feel like I've started to doubt God's presence. My friend asked me if I've ever felt His presence, His love, His touch before. And I did. I realised that I forgot about the times when I actually felt His immense love. I forgot to look back at my life and see that He was always there and still is.

There is a praise song by Planetshakers - Nothing Is Impossible which has the lyrics that says:
“I'm not going to live by what I see. I'm not going to live by what I feel. Deep down, I know that you're here with me."
While I was listening to this song that day while I was driving, this lyrics popped out to me. I've listen this song for so many times now but it was only last week that it actually meant something to me. It became a personal prayer.

A message by Redeemed Online:
Doubts and questions are pretty normal. In fact, I think they can and should be points in our relationship with God that draw us closer to him. This isn't always the case. I think that's because people don't do the most important thing during these times of doubt and questioning: pray. If we have questions about faith or belief we should seek answers through a conversation with God where we are seeking him. He is the source of everything that is good, true and, beautiful.

If you were really struggling to understand Algebra you wouldn't spend time getting tutored in English, but this is what we sometimes do with our relationship with God when we struggle. Don't run from God with your questions and doubts. Run to him. Seek him. He will not disappoint you. Answers aren't always easy and sometimes we need to be patient with both ourselves and God, but if you continue to pray and seek Jesus through your doubts and questioning, those doubts and questions will turn into fruitful growth in your life.


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