God's Grace

Remember when I said would love to be in the same group as my midterm family for my final showcase?

Well, it turns out that didn't happen. The four of them did end up in the same group though. All except me.

I prayed to God, knowing that He would know what's best for me no matter what my heart desired at that time.

Even when I was being mean, having a list of blacklisted people, I knew now how wrong I was to say that I didn't want to work with some people because truth be told, how much more greater am I to be compared with them? To put them lower than me?

Again, all I hope was this person to be in the same group as me. No matter what happens, I had the feeling that if given the opportunity to work with her, it would be alright as long as I have her to lean on.

And true enough, by God's grace, He gave me Michelle. For midterms, I prayed silently to be with Yen. This time around, I knew there was a huge chance I won't be able to work with them again so I hoped that I could work with someone that had the same sort of personality and wave length as me. Someone whom I would love to have the chance to get to know more.

Without all these people, I wouldn't be able to do what I do. Without Yen, I wouldn't have been able to come up with any ideas at all. It was truly a lot of effort on her part. Without Michelle, I wouldn't have gotten the script down. I wouldn't have gotten that emotional support I need. So much so that I really don't consider myself as the group leader for both groups because I personally know that I couldn't have done anything by my own. So I truly treasure each and everyone of you. Not just Yen and Michelle but also Hazel, Jessie, Jai, Sam, Sab, Kalley, Estella, Adam, Jessie, Ahmad, Tyll, Coan, and so many others that have made my life brighter. PA has made my life brighter but only because all of you are there.

I think also, God has definitely proved me wrong about some people. How I of little faith, could judge others beforehand. I definitely feel that I'm not worthy of His blessings.

My group is definitely something different. I think only time can be a testament of how close we can be.

I really want this one month to be something special. To be able to laugh, cry, fight, to go through so many emotions together with this team I have and to grow closer. We shall make our final showcase performance our best act ever. To pour out all our heart and soul into it.


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