RIGHT OFF EPISODE 3, I KNEW MAGGIE AND ALEX HIT IT OFF STRAIGHTAWAY. THEIR CHEMISTRY IS JUST CRAZY. AND I AM JUST OVER THE MOON THAT EPISODE 8 ENDED THE WAY WE ALL HOPED IT WOULD BE EVEN THOUGH THE SLOW BURN WAS NEEDED, IT WAS SO PAINFUL TO WATCH. Okay, now that I've chilled slightly, let me remove the caps lock and talk about the rollercoaster emotions from episode 7 to episode 8. Supergirl 2x07: Mid-scene I have to say, this scene has got to be the bravest scene and it's where Alex finally have the guts to tell Maggie what she has been keeping inside and heck no, everything is not alright because she can never see or treat Maggie as a friend again when the scar is still so raw and it hurts just to see her or hear her voice . We see the strong, perfect, headfirst Alex speaking her mind: "No, we're not friends . We hung out, we got close, and then you called me out for liking you and I had the guts to admit yes , it's true. And you told me my...