Log 1: Supergirl 2x05

Supergirl 2x05: Alex Danver's coming out scene

From episode 3, when Maggie Sawyer was introduced into the series, and the interaction between her and Alex was just so good, I knew this was going somewhere. And as the story progresses up till the current episode, it has really tugged on my heartstring. The look she gives Maggie when she isn't looking, when she feels concerned because Maggie was feeling down, the wanting to care and be there for her, it was all just so real. Chyler Leigh really did an amazing job, more so for this coming out scene. She made it so real and connectable to viewers in many ways. Good job on the script too. 

I would personally say it connects to me on so many levels. Not knowing if there's actually something wrong with you when you don't really feel that connection with guys, being confused with the constant thought of someone (of the same sex), never really considered the possibility of not being straight, and impulsively saying no when someone suggests that you might be gay, or in my case, constantly saying no to those thoughts because it's easier to push them away and stay "normal" as how society dictates it to be. Being able to come out is not easy. It's never easy. And the fact that Alex can't even put a word to it, a name to it, just proves how hard it is to admit it especially if you're still figuring it out. For me at least, I'm still not naming what this feeling is yet, just as Alex is, but having planted that seed of thought has really made me think about it a lot too.

As she puts it;
"And now I can't stop thinking about how maybe there's some truth to what you said... about me." 
I couldn't help it but feel happy for Alex for realizing who she is deep inside and coming to recognize it. Really looking forward to how their relationship progresses and how Alex deals with this new truth.

And omg, just one more thing, the look Maggie gave Alex when she was pouring it all out, that look made me smile because it just says one thing: "mmhmm, like I told you so" and like, she was genuinely happy for Alex for finding herself even though Maggie was feeling down, she still managed to find joy for Alex. ♥

Dated: 11 November 2016


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