Log 2: Supergirl 2x06

It's the episode where Alex tells her sister, Cara, about what she has been feeling. Feels a lot like what I did as well, except not to my family. Just close friends that I needed to share to. Again, it was very relatable and what Alex said about still not knowing what this feeling is but having somewhat a hunch about it is very much what I feel too.

Hearing her talk about staying up, thinking about it more and more, recalling past memories that might give some clarity on having these feelings, memories that have been suppressed, I think it's all very true and real. It never really dawned on me why I never really had any feelings for guys but more so for girls, but somehow, I got to exploring these feelings and thoughts, and it makes much more sense now.

AND OH NO. OMG THAT HURT SO MUCH. D': I want to cry with Alex. Ugh. AH.

Dated: 16 November 2016


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