Okay, now that I've chilled slightly, let me remove the caps lock and talk about the rollercoaster emotions from episode 7 to episode 8. 

Supergirl 2x07: Mid-scene

I have to say, this scene has got to be the bravest scene and it's where Alex finally have the guts to tell Maggie what she has been keeping inside and heck no, everything is not alright because she can never see or treat Maggie as a friend again when the scar is still so raw and it hurts just to see her or hear her voice.

We see the strong, perfect, headfirst Alex speaking her mind:
"No, we're not friends. We hung out, we got close, and then you called me out for liking you and I had the guts to admit yes, it's true. And you told me my feelings were real, and that I deserve to be happy so I thought that you meant that I deserve to be happy with you."
And she doesn't even allow Maggie to butt in as she continues firing all her pain at her:
"Because then you convinced me to come out to my sister and I did because I was sure of one thing, and that was my feelings for you. Initially I was terrified, but ultimately, I was proud to come out because it wasn't just some concept. It was about my feelings for this amazing woman but now, I don't feel liberated or like I am on some great journey. All I feel is pain because you don't want me."
Bam! All the hurt, the pain, released at once and Maggie doesn't know how to take it. We see her expression, clearly hurt as well and I doubt she realized how deep it had actually hurt Alex.

 Supergirl 2x07: End scene

And then we have this ending scene for episode 7 where Maggie comes unexpectedly to Alex's place (how she knows where to stay is beyond me.. so much for not stalking). 
"What are you.. um.. what are you doing here?" 
Alex is obviously not pleased and maybe even somewhat surprised as she made it pretty clear earlier in the day that she does not want to see her and would like to keep the relationship strictly professional.
"I really need to talk to you and if you just give me two minutes of your time, I promise I'll be out of here."
And then we see Maggie, being really uncomfortable as well. Scared, even, to say the things she wants to say after seeing how much it has hurt Alex.
"I heard everything you said. I get it. And if you never want to talk to me again, I'll respect that, I'll disappear. But I don't meet many people that I care about, and I care about you. A lot. You've become really important to me and I hope that one day you and I could be friends. Because I don't want to imagine my life without you in it."
Sure, Maggie, as if friends is all you wanna be. We know that's not what you actually mean. But if that's what it takes for you to be on talking terms with Alex again, I get it. I get why you're doing it and I get why you smiled at the end because maybe, just maybe, there's this glimmer of hope again when Alex doesn't ignore you completely.

It was a hard wait for the next episode I tell you. It has been since this ship came on and it was so painful to watch them. Even as Alex discovered herself, there was no doubt that as much as I want her to grow, I want happiness for her too. Every week was so hard to get through but I did, only by submersing myself with fanfics and tumblr posts and videos and basically anything has got to do with them. But honestly, fan fictions are my saving grace.

 Supergirl 2x08: Mid-scene

Oh hey, it looks like Alex is all fine with Maggie now. She's even happy (most probably by how Eliza not only took it so well, Eliza basically prompted Alex and told her that she will always love her however she is). I just have to say that Eliza Danvers has got to be the most supportive and amazing mom ever. When Alex said that she feels like she's letting her mom down somehow, that is exactly how I feel. In any instance, I would say parents and the society always have this perception of you, this idea of you that you have to be.
"I thought that it was just about you. I mean, how would I not like you, but deep down I think I still wasn't comfortable that that was my new normal but it is my new normal. And I am happy that it is because now I finally get me. And now I realize it isn't about you, it's about me living my life so thank you."
 It's so nice to see Alex discovering herself and being able to accept herself fully and truthfully. Aside from all that Alex said, just focus on Maggie instead. Her body language and expression says a lot. She's happy for Alex for figuring all out but yet, she somehow seems sad like she want it to be about her. And at the end of it, Maggie looks like she's thinking and contemplating about something. Maybe she's realized something.

Supergirl 2x08: End scene

Most important and awaited scene! Thank you, Maggie, for finally figuring out what you want. Why does this things always happen only when you get into a close-to-death experience?

Side note before I get into the real conversation:
"Come in, please. Ignore the pyjamas." -Alex
"Oh, they're cute." -Maggie

Hehe, okay fangirl moment done. Maggie's turn to let go her feelings~
"You know, I didn't come here for work. I just, I really needed to see you and talk to you. Um, so here's the thing. I almost died. //Yeah, no, I would not have let that to happen.// I know that but um, it got me thinking that I was so stupid. I thought that I... I guess you were kind of right, you came out for me (refer to the conversation in episode 7) and that scared me. Um, but um, my life is too short. And we should be who we are, and we should kiss the girls that we want to kiss."
Yeap you know where this is going folks. Here it is, the moment the fandom has been waiting for:
"And I really just, I wanna kiss you."
This time, no one pulls away thank God. I initially thought, for a moment there, that Alex would pull away because she seemed surprised and I wasn't entirely sure she was over the whole rejection thing (even after the previous conversation she had with Maggie).

A: So you're saying that you like me. That's what I got.
M: Yes, of course. You're not going to go crazy on me, are you?
A: Probably. Yeah.

Alex, Alex. Even after all that you still needed a confirmation that she likes you? It was so obvious. Ahaha but it's cute and it's great that they both found their source of joy and happiness. The smile that Maggie gave Alex after she confirmed with her was the widest and biggest smile I've ever seen Maggie put on.

The end. Mid-season finale. Thank you, Supergirl writers and producers. Most importantly, thank you Chyler Leigh and Floriana Lima for bringing so much life and truth and feelings into these two characters.


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