Anger Management
I am not one to complain about how terrible I did in my exams. Oh wait. On second thought, I think I do that quite often. Let me rephrase it then. I am not one to go around spreading the anger inside of me. I don't want to hurt people. That's why I rather stay away from too many people when I am too angry. But the thing is, if I end up being alone, I'll probably hurt myself instead. You see, anger is not a good thing, especially for me. I'll get too blinded by it and result to violence. Only, I choose to hurt myself. If you were ever in the same class as me before, especially in the last few years of high school, you might've caught a glimpse of me punching the notice boards in class before. That's one way of how I release stress. It's the easiest and fastest way for me to do so. There was one time I punched it so hard that my knuckles had bruises for a week or so. And of course, you could feel the dent in the board if you wanted to. There might be somethin...